Chapter 5 Convergence and cross-overs

5.1 Outline

  • Concepts
  • Student Presentation

Additional resources:

  • Coale and Kisker (1986): Non-technical overview of data issues that could create the appearance of mor-tality cross-overs.

  • Manton and Stallard (1981): interesting discussion on parameter choice of the Gamma and the empirical results.

5.2 What happens to mortality disparities at older ages?

  • Cumulative disadvantage
  • Age as a leveler
    • Individual adaptation/plasticity, gov support, separation from unequal structures like labor market
  • Bad data / measurement
    • Unreliable ages, institutionalization changes sample, etc.
  • Nothing
    • It’s all selection (“frailty”), pop hazards but individual hazards would have remained “parallel”.

Our goal is to examine this last “null hypothesis”. What can frailty explain, and what can’t it

5.2.1 A possible null-model

  • 2 groups, each with internal gamma-frailty

  • proportional baseline hazards

    \[ \mu_2(x) = R \mu_1(x) \] see Vaupel and Missov (2014) (Eq 38)

    \[ \mu_1(x |z_1) = \mu_1 z_1 \\ \mu_2(x |z_2) = \mu_2 z_2 \]

    And, frailty terms are each gamma, with mean 1 and own variances.

5.2.2 A result: (5E - Vaupel and Missov (2014) (Eq 38))

\[ \bar{R}(x) \equiv {\bar\mu_2(x) \over \bar\mu_1(x)} = {R + R\sigma_1^2 H_1(x) \over 1 + R \sigma_2^2 H_1(x)} \]


  • If variances are equal.
    • What happens at age 0?
    • What happens at very old ages?
  • If the higher mortality group has bigger frailty variance.
    • What happens at older ages?
  • If higher mortality group has smaller frailty variance?
    • What happens at older ages?

Homework: prove this, simulate this. see if cross of is when cumulative hazards satisfy the condition at the end of 5E). (* problem. can you solve for x0 in temrs of variances 1 and 2 and R with gamma gompertz?

5.2.3 Inversion

Given observed hazards, how do we get baseline? (Impossible without assumptions; but what if we have gamma-frailty with \(\sigma^2\)?)

Our challenge is to invert a not easy pop hazards formula \[ \bar{\mu}(x) = {\mu_0(x) \over 1 + \sigma^2 H_0(x)} \] because we have both hazards and cumulative hazards on right.

A solution: Hazards are slope of log survival

Therefore, recall for Gamma, \[ \bar{S}(x) = { 1 \over (1 + \sigma^2 H_0(x))^{1/\sigma^2}} \]

We write down the hazard as the derivative of log survival \[ \bar{\mu}(x) = {1 \over \sigma^2} {d \over dx} \log(1 + \sigma^2 H_0(x)). \]

The anti-derivative of both sides, gives \[ \bar{H}(x) = {1 \over \sigma^2} \log(1 + \sigma^2 H_0(x)). \]

And now we have only 1 expression involving the baseline hazards on the right.

Solving \[ \bar{H}(x) = {1 \over \sigma^2} \log(1 + \sigma^2 H_0(x)). \] gives us the cumulative hazard \[ H_0(x) = {1 \over \sigma^2} \left(e^{\sigma^2 \bar{H}(x)} - 1 \right). \]

And differencing, gives us a remarkably simple expression for the baseline hazard in terms of the observed popualtion hazard \[ \mu_0(x) = \bar\mu(x) e^{\sigma_2 \bar{H}(x)} \]

  • We don’t observe underlying baseline hazard \(\mu_0\) on left
  • What is observed (and unobserved) on right?

5.2.4 An example

dt <- fread("/hdir/0/fmenares/Book/bookdown-master/data/ITA.cMx_1x1.txt",
            na.string = ".")
my.dt <- dt[Year == 1915]
my.dt[, H.f := cumsum(Female)]
my.dt[, H.m := cumsum(Male)]
my.dt[, h.f := Female]
my.dt[, h.m := Male]
sigma.sq <- .5^2
my.dt[, h0.f.5 := h.f * exp(sigma.sq *H.f)]
my.dt[, h0.m.5 := h.m * exp(sigma.sq *H.m)]
sigma.sq <- .2^2
my.dt[, h0.f.2 := h.f * exp(sigma.sq *H.f)]
my.dt[, h0.m.2 := h.m * exp(sigma.sq *H.m)]
sigma.sq <- 1^2
my.dt[, h0.f1 := h.f * exp(sigma.sq *H.f)]
my.dt[, h0.m1 := h.m * exp(sigma.sq *H.m)]
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
foo <- my.dt[, plot(Age, H.f, col = "red")]
title("Cumulative Hazards\n Italian Females born 1915")
foo <- my.dt[, plot(Age, log(h.f), type = "l", ylim = c(-7, 2), col = "red",
                    main = "Observed vs. implied baseline")]
foo <- my.dt[, lines(Age, log(h0.f.2), lty = 2, col = "red")]
foo <- my.dt[, lines(Age, log(h0.f.5), lty = 3, col = "red")]
foo <- my.dt[, lines(Age, log(h0.f1), lty = 4, col = "red")]
legend("topleft", legend = c("baseline", "obs if s2 = .2^2", "obs if s2 = .5^2", "obs if s2 = 1^2"),
       col = "red", lty = 1:4)
Italian Females vs Males, born 1915 $\sigma^2=.5^2=.2^2=1^2$

Figure 5.1: Italian Females vs Males, born 1915 \(\sigma^2=.5^2=.2^2=1^2\)

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
## title("Cumulative Hazards\n Italian Females born 1915")
foo <- my.dt[, plot(Age, log(h.f), type = "l", ylim = c(-7, 2), col = "red",
                    main = "Observed vs. implied baseline")]
foo <- my.dt[, lines(Age, log(h0.f.5), lty = 2, col = "red")]
ugh <- my.dt[, lines(Age, log(h.m), type = "l", col = "blue")]
ugh <- my.dt[, lines(Age, log(h0.m.5), lty = 2, col = "blue")]
legend("topleft", legend = c("female observed",
                             "female baseline",
                             "male observed",
                             "male baseline"),
       col = c("red","red", "blue", "blue"), lty = c(1,2, 1,2))
## now do difference
foo <- my.dt[, plot(Age, h.m/h.f, type = "l", col = "black",
                    ylab = c("h.m/h.f"),
                    main = "Male-female hazard ratio")]
foo <- my.dt[, lines(Age, h0.m.5/h0.f.5, lty = 2)]
legend("topright", legend = c("observed",
                              "implied baseline"),
##       col = c("red","blue"),
       lty = 1:2)
Italian Females vs Males, born 1915 $\sigma^2=.5^2$

Figure 5.2: Italian Females vs Males, born 1915 \(\sigma^2=.5^2\)

Much bigger convergence in “observed” than in baseline

5.2.5 Application

German Rodriguez App for Black-White Crossover

5.3 Student Presentation


Coale, Ansley J, and Ellen Eliason Kisker. 1986. “Mortality Crossovers: Reality or Bad Data?” Population Studies 40 (3): 389–401.

Manton, Kenneth G, and Eric Stallard. 1981. “Methods for Evaluating the Heterogeneity of Aging Processes in Human Populations Using Vital Statistics Data: Explaining the Black/White Mortality Crossover by a Model of Mortality Selection.” Human Biology, 47–67.

Vaupel, James W, and Trifon I Missov. 2014. “Unobserved Population Heterogeneity: A Review of Formal Relationships.” Demographic Research 31: 659–86.